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A health technology assessment of the effectiveness and safety of robot surgery

PUBLISH DATE 2011.06.13
FILE [Executive Summary] A health technology assessment of the effectiveness and safety of robot surgery.pdf


After the FDA approval of robot surgery in the year of 2000, robot surgeries have been actively performed, and the surgeries have been performed in many diseases by showing its surgical cases to reach more than 13,000 cases in Korea after its approval by KFDA in 2005. But it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of robot surgeries compared to other comparative surgical procedures considering its issues on high cost and monopoly. 

To prevent the abuse of performing indiscreet DaVinci surgeries for unverified indications and to perform correct medical examination by considering clinical characteristics of patients rather than the convenience of investigator, the present study aimed to perform health technology assessment study regard on the safety and effectiveness of robot surgeries by reflecting the national status of Korea to provide correct information to general people and to provide evidences that are necessary for the establishment of political action to decision makers.

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