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Burden of irritable bowel syndrome in Korea

PUBLISH DATE 2011.05.30
FILE [Executive Summary] Burden of irritable bowel syndrome in Korea.pdf


Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) is a chronic condition that is considered to have no structural or biochemical abnormalities that account for the symptoms. IBS is not life threatening condition, however, they could significantly impair the quality of life. IBS is important to public health because they are remarkably common, can be hindering daily activities and they induce a major social and economic burden. Thus, the impact of IBS on public health is probably huge. Despite its potential health relevance, the impact of IBS has received relatively little attention compared to other life threatening diseases in Korea.

The structure of this study is as follows. Firstly, the present study was performed for the national level estimation of the epidemiological characteristics of IBS and socioeconomic cost of the syndrome. Secondly, a questionnaire investigational study was conducted against the patients having IBS to figure out the size of socioeconomic burden of IBS and the factors that have effects on the disease burden. Thirdly, systematic review for Korean and international studies by including the studies of Asian countries was performed to investigate the effects of IBS on the quality of life. Fourthly, a qualitative study was performed against the Korean IBS. Finally, the Korean version of the diagnosis criteria(Rome III) for the diagnosis of functional gastrointestinal disorders, including IBS was developed.

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