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Long-term safety and stability of refractive surgeries in myopia

PUBLISH DATE 2011.07.13
FILE [Executive Summary] Long-term safety and stability of refractive surgeries in myopia.pdf


Myopia is a condition of the eye give rise to a blurred vision of a distant object. Excimer laser refractive surgery for the correction of myopia can be largely classified into LASIK and surface ablation including Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) and LASEK. LASIK surgery conducts ablation after forming a sliced section on the stroma and surface ablation surgery is performed without forming a corneal flap on the stroma. In Korea, Excimer laser refractive surgeries were first introduced in 1990 and their use has rapidly expanded. It is estimated that more than 100 thousand people get the correctional surgery annually. However, the precise operation status and the long term efficacy and safety of those surgeries excluding commercial purposes are not fully answered. In addition, clinical examination guidelines that suggest detailed causes that affect on the surgical results in the operations performed on Korean population are also absent.

The present study attempts to provide objective information on the long term efficacy, safety, and stability of the surgeries and ensure the safe and effective myopia correctional surgery for the future.

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