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Diagnostic accuracy of anti-CCP antibody test in rheumatoid arthritis: systematic review

PUBLISH DATE 2016.05.31
METHOD Systematic Review, Demand Survey
[Executive Summary] Diagnostic accuracy of anti-CCP antibody test in rheumatoid arthritis systematic review.pdf
(Issuepaper)Diagnostic accuracy of anti-CCP antibody test in rheumatoid arthritis systematic review.pdf


Education programs provided in some hospitals and community health centers in Korea is restrictively implemented by simply delivering information about introduction or treatment of disease. However, evidence-based detailed contents and methods of patient education are not established. 

To apply education programs to clinical practice, evidence that patient education improves self-management ability as well as functional, psychological and social outcomes should be established. Previous systematic reviews on various patient education interventions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis documented significant short-term improvements in knowledge, coping behavior, pain, disability and depression, but long-term effects were inconsistent. 

In addition, each literature and guideline demonstrate varied effects, recommendation and recommendation levels for education intervention methods (group education vs. face to face education) and education contents (drug intervention and weight management) and there is no feasible guideline that reflects the reality of Korea. Thus, it is necessary to establish the evidence on the efficacy of patient education according to education program subjects, educators, education types, education tools, educators to provide effective patient education. Systematic review regarding the clinical efficacy of patient education according to detailed intervention is needed. In addition, the current situation and demand of rheumatoid arthritis patient education in Korea should be understood.

This study aims to assess the effectiveness of patient education interventions on health status in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. 

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