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Collaborative Research for the development of Trustworthy Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Evaluation of Implementation

PUBLISH DATE 2016.05.31
FILE (Issuepaper)Collaborative Research for the development of Trustworthy Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Evaluation of Implementation.pdf
[Executive Summary] Collaborative Research for the development of Trustworthy Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Evaluation of Implementation.pdf


This study will build a task cooperation model with specialized academic societies and related organizations to increase clinical practice guidelines with high trustworthiness, and ultimately contribute to increase the quality of patient treatment through intensifying methodology studies related to clinical application of clinical practice guidelines and implementability evaluation of domestic clinical practice guidelines.

1) Establishment of concept of cooperation process of trustworthy clinical practice guidelines through structured literature review and case study

2) Actualization of individual cooperative activity methods and preparation of examples

3) Evaluation of implementability of clinical practice guidelines: understanding internal and external barriers

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