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Evidence Assessment on Intervention and Surgery of Non-benefit Medical Care

PUBLISH DATE 2014.04.21
FILE [Executive Summary] Evidence Assessment on Intervention and Surgery of Non-benefit Medical Care.pdf


Although the efforts on the benefit extension policy of National Health Insurance (NHI) have been made around benefit medical care, non-benefit medical care fees have been actually increased rapidly twice as much as benefit medical fees.


The cause of this phenomenon can be given to new influx of high-priced new health technologies, no regulating price system, and absence of management system such as medical fee claims and reviewing in non-benefit item. Therefore, the appropriate decision for non-benefit medical care items could be essential for enhancing insurance benefit and efficient use of national health resource, but actually reviews of pay for the item have been mainly made by. In 2013, Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) in Korea has introduced 'selective-benefit medical care' for benefit extension policy focusing on four severe disease (cancer, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, and a rare disease). The purpose of this study is to provide the evidence relevant to policy through evidence assessment related to intervention and surgery of non-benefit items focusing on four severe diseases.

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