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Policy planning strategies for data production and management in health care for evidence-based health care policy making: The case of secondary databases

PUBLISH DATE 2013.10.31
FILE [Executive Summary] Policy planning strategies for data production and management in health care for evidence-based health care policy making.pdf


With increase in the level of Korea's medical technology and advancements in health care, there is an escalating need and interest for evidence-based health care policy making. 

In general, the national health care statistics and data are baseline information in health care policy making and provide support and evidence for development of public health promotion programs, distribution of health care resources and health care industry. Therefore, various data collection systems are established to produce statistics in accordance with occurring demand.

According to Korean Statistical Information Service, Korea operates a compromised system which is rather dispersed, and statistical data are produced under accountability of each institution to carry out its peculiar work and enable utilization of sectional expertise for prompt development of statistics in line with demand for statistical data. Yet, it is difficult to compare data due to the low consistency among results of statistics and lack of linkage between data collection systems. Furthermore, as there is a limitation in reproduction of pre-existing statistics, dissemination of statistical data to the government and public is inadequate. 

As health care statistics reflects socio-demographic characteristics in nature, new statistical data should be produced through periodic identification of the status and understanding of change in trend. Therefore, it is urgent to examine items in health care statistics systems in international organizations and developed countries to compare and analyze them against the national health care statistics to propose a constructive direction for developing indicators for Korea's health care statistics. 

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