Healthcare Research Reports

Provides the topic, method, and file download of Determine the status of cosemtic plastic procedure and the development of information booklet for the users

Determine the status of cosemtic plastic procedure and the development of information booklet for the users

PUBLISH DATE 2014.04.21
FILE [Executive Summary] Determine the status of cosemtic plastic procedure and the development of information booklet for the users.pdf


The purpose of this study is to identify the domestic condition on cosmetic plastic surgery and to develop the user database for frequent surgery. The detailed goals are as follows.

First is to identify the condition of cosmetic plastic surgery (surgery type, surgical amount, complications/adverse effect).

Second is to investigate the interests of the public on cosmetic plastic surgery.

Third is to develop the database on cosmetic plastic surgery with great interest from the public that is to be used frequently.

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Korea Open Government License

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· NC
· SA

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