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Current status and outcomes analysis of radiosurgery for spinal tumours

PUBLISH DATE 2014.04.21
FILE [Executive Summary] Current status and outcomes analysis of radiosurgery for spinal tumours.pdf


With the development of health technology, the survival rate and survival period is extended for the cancer patients and the number of patients for metastatic cancer is also increasing gradually. According to the trend, the patients for metastatic spinal cancer are also increasing. Treatments for the metastatic spinal tumor are surgical operation, radiation therapy, radiosurgery and so on, recently radiosurgery is evaluated as the valid treatment for spinal tumor and its utilization is increasing. However, there are not basic data and sufficient studies about the current domestic condition of radiosurgery treatment and the other treatment for metastatic spinal tumor.

Therefore, in this study, the current medical use such as therapeutic frequency, cost and duration of hospitalization by the treatment and the therapeutic performance of the radiosurgery and radiation therapy for the metastatic spinal tumor will be analyzed to provide the evidences on decision-making for the therapeutic method in clinic and the basic data on developing the policy related to the radiosurgery for metastatic spinal tumor.

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