Healthcare Research Reports

Provides the topic, method, and file download of Bayesian Meta-Analysis Method

Bayesian Meta-Analysis Method

PUBLISH DATE 2014.04.21
FILE Bayesian Meta-Analysis Method.pdf


 For conducting systematic reviews of heterogeneous studies (such as including randomized control trials and observational studies) or when the study number is small the application of the Baysian meta-analysis method is becoming more important. By using the Baysian meta-analysis method, a more accurate polled estimate can be estimated. Currently an established manual for Baysian-analysis does not exist, that explains in detail providing practical examples.

This study has been conducted to develop an english manual to apply the Baysian meta-analysis method, and this manual is the 8th series of NECA’s research methods series. After publication of the NECA’s 3rd manual, the Korean version of “Baysian Meta-Analysis Method”, NECA decided to produce an English version to extend the use of this manual globally. 

The contents of the book are; Introduction of the traditional meta-analysis and the Baysian method, then there is a more detailed explanation on how to analyze the results of meta-analysis and apply the methods. 

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