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Prescription patterns and safety of benzodiazepines in Korea

PUBLISH DATE 2013.12.31
METHOD Systematic review
[Executive Summary] Prescription patterns and safety of benzodiazepines in Korea.pdf
[Issue paper] Prescription patterns and safety of benzodiazepines in Korea.pdf


There were concerns regarding the potential over-prescription of Benzodiazepines (BZD) due to their nature for dependency and addition. Prescription patterns and safety related issues for BZD were studied in several countries. But, there were few recent prescription pattern studies and the safety related with BZD use were rarely studied in Korea. Since January, 2010, the limitation of ≤30-day supply for sedative hypnotics including BZD was implemented in Korea due to the possibilities of their inappropriate use. Assessment whether this policy that decreased the use of BZD would be required in terms of public health aspects. 

The objective of this study is as follows.
-To review literatures on inappropriate medication use, safety, and social-economic costs related with BZD use
-To investigate prescription patterns of BZD in South Korea between 2007 and 2011
-To investigate the association between fracture and BZD presciption in South Korea

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