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2016 Horizon Scanning Service for Emerging Health Technologies in NECA H-SIGHT

PUBLISH DATE 2017.06.30
FILE [Executive Summary] 2016 Horizon Scanning Service for Emerging Health Technologies in NECA H-SIGHT.pdf


As the healthcare industry is recently emerging as one of the key fields of national competitiveness, emerging health technologies and strengthened R&D infrastructure are often prioritized as part of the key objectives for investment in 2016.

While various ministries have continued to finance R&D projects in public health, there were some problems, including overlapping investment in the same research areas, and unsystematic and inconsistent R&D planning and management. Further, technologies newly introduced into the health system are frequently invalidated due to the errors in clinical trial design, lack of clinical evidence, or due to safety issues at the process of entering the healthcare system (in particular, at the stage of new Health Technology Assessment).

In this study, we aim to establish an effective and intensive support system based on the problems of disconnected and inconsistent health technology support systems.

First, we provide information preemptively to a range of consumers, including health service providers, clinical researchers, industries, policy makers, licensor, and people through  previously established Horizon Scanning. We will enhance the reliability and accuracy of the H-SIGHT activities through NECA H-SIGHT Toolkit reorganization and user satisfaction surveys.

Secondly, the objective of this study is to support the entry of domestically developed emerging health technologies into medical markets, and to contribute to the revitalization of the public health industry through collaboration with related institutions in Korea. A consulting support and collaboration system will be established in response to the request from the R&D management institutions and expanded to the management of promising health technologies.

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