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Approaches to safe injection practice for the strengthening patient safety

PUBLISH DATE 2017.06.30
FILE [Executive Summary] Approaches to safe injection practice for the strengthening patient safety.pdf


This study is aimed at providing information necessary to decrease adverse events caused by the use of injections, and detailed objectives are listed as follows.

1) Explore the existing domestic and foreign guidelines related to injections, and figure out the general guideline status for the safe use of injections.

2) Figure out the occurrence of adverse events related to domestic injections, and examine data resources that can be used for it.

3) Figure out the self-administration experiences of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

4) Figure out the general management status and barriers of the safe use of injections.

5) Analytic Investigation of Domestic and Overseas Guidelines

To investigate domestic and overseas guidelines, hand search that targets the Korean Medical Guideline Information Center, the Hospital Nurses Association, and the Guidelines International Network was conducted. As a result of the search, there is one guideline published by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and the one by Hospital Nurses Association, respectively in Korea. In case of overseas guidelines, there are two guidelines published by the World Health Organization, one by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, and one by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A guideline recently published in the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in korea contained most comprehensively.  Healthcare providers might experience confusion or be omitted from education as the range of contents differs according to each guideline. Thus, the development of guidelines adequate for domestic circumstances with regard to the safe use of injections and consistent update should be implemented, and information accessibility should be enhanced using checklists for noncompliance items.

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