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Envisioning a new paradigm for health technology assessment

PUBLISH DATE 2015.03.31
FILE [Executive Summary] Envisioning a new paradigm for health technology assessment.pdf


The newly developed and advanced technologies provide benefits, but  they also increase national healthcare expenditure and cause uncertainty in safety and effectiveness. Health Technology Assessment (HTA) for the value of technologies becomes necessary in many countries. In order to make a decision about whether specific health technology can be accepted or not, it should be assessed based on scientific evidence with social, legal, and ethical aspects. 

National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency (NECA) was established in 2009 with the vision of ‘an agency that leads creation of healthcare evidence’ under the mission of ‘contributing to the efficient use of national healthcare resources and the protection and the enhancement of public health through proposing scientific evidence.’ In 2014, the 2nd annual conference, international symposium, and workshop were held to look back the accomplished outcomes of NECA and provide a blueprint for the future.

We aimed to take the opinions from various interested parties and agencies in order to reduce conflicts occurring in HTA process and find strategies to improve the evidence-based healthcare research and HTA in Korea.

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