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Study of horizon scanning and potential health impact assessment of emerging health technology and development of operation system of H-SIGHT

PUBLISH DATE 2015.03.31
FILE [Executive Summary] Study of horizon scanning and potential health impact assessment of emerging health technology and development of operation system of H-SIGHT.pdf


The purpose of this study was to develop an optimized horizon scanning system appropriate for Korea by implementing a pilot horizon scanning activities' operating system for new and emerging health technology developed in 2013.

In order to achieve this purpose, the first part of the study built collaboration with domestic agencies and an international network related to horizon scanning activities for new health technologies, constructing a system for dissemination of information to support activities of the domestic healthcare industry, and creating the basis of diverse domestic and international cooperation.

The second part of the study made continuous modifications to and took complementary measures for step-by-step procedures for the pilot study for horizon scanning activities of new and emerging health technology. This optimized horizon scanning procedure produced a customized report analyzing the potential impact of new and emerging health technology, which was disseminated to policy decision makers in healthcare, health service providers, the healthcare industry, and the public.

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