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Provides the topic, method, and file download of Clinically relevant venous thromboembolism following hip and knee arthroplasty

Clinically relevant venous thromboembolism following hip and knee arthroplasty

PUBLISH DATE 2012.12.31
FILE [Executive Summary] Clinically relevant venous thromboembolism following hip and knee arthroplasty.pdf


Despite the fact that venous thromboembolism (VTE) is the main complication of arthroplasty, there is no guideline for the prophylaxis of VTE after knee arthroplasty. In case of hip arthroplasty, guideline for the prophylaxis of VTE which was recently published in 2011 was mainly based on foreign literature due to the limited national resources. Therefore, this study aims to estimate the present condition of incidence of VTE after hip or knee arthroplasty and VTE prophylaxis, compare the effect of various drugs, and evaluate the VTE risk factors. 

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