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Study on the Safety Guidelines and Standards of Cosmetic Surgery in Clinics

PUBLISH DATE 2016.05.31
FILE (Issuepaper)Study on the Safety Guidelines and Standards of Cosmetic Surgery in Clinics.pdf
[Abstract] Study on the Safety Guidelines and Standards of Cosmetic Surgery in Clinics.pdf


Our goal in this study was to establish a foundation to improve patient safety by providing standards and guidelines for the surgeries conducted in medical institutions, staring with cosmetic surgeries, addressing specific issues have been raised by public concern. To ensure safety for users of cosmetic surgery, we identified possible safety issues expected to exist throughout the overall surgery process.

To achieve this goal, this study collected data on guidelines and policy measures related to the management of cosmetic surgery from different countries and conducted interviews with relevant officials. The analysis was conducted around the same categories as much as possible in consideration of the differences among national systems to increase data comparability. The categories included the following: the workforce related to cosmetic surgery (qualifications, etc.), facilities (standards for the operating room, etc.), patients (minors, providing information, and consent), medical advertising, and compensation for damages.

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