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Development of Conceptual Framework and Organization of the National Healthcare Quality Indicator

PUBLISH DATE 2010.07.09
[Executive Summary] Development of Conceptual Framework and Organization of the National Healthcare Quality Indicator.pdf


Many countries already have their own national healthcare quality indicators (hereafter HQIs) in place and the OECD also has published global HQIs. However, In Korea, there is no national HQI except for several clinical HQIs which are developed by some institutions, academic associations and hospitals.

This study aimed to establish conceptual framework of and develop national HQIs, ultimately assisting continuous monitoring of the level of healthcare quality in Korea. Specific objectives are as follows;

▪ Map and analyze the HQIs used in Korea, OECD, and 6 countries

▪ Make set of national HQIs based on mapping results, surveys and expert opinions, and

▪ Publish annual national HQIs report

▪ Establish a clearinghouse for HQIs to make it easy to access the current Korean indicators

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