Healthcare Research Reports

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Patient centered HTA and Decision making

PUBLISH DATE 2018.05.31
FILE [Executive Summary] Patient centered HTA and Decision making.pdf


This study aims to achieve the following:

First, the current research projects in progress at the NECA should be disseminated to the general public, experts, and related organizations; it is important to provide a forum for information on medical technology and assessments of new medical technologies to emphasize the necessity. Ultimately, the purpose of this study is to raise awareness of the importance of the NECA and its strategy for the future. 

Second, the study draws an important agenda concerning the current issues emerging in the area of healthcare. By providing a forum of discussion for experts, it attempts to explore research directions for future-oriented medical technology assessment. 

Third, it aims to explore directions for the development of government-led clinical research that can be adapted to the future healthcare environment. 

Fourth, it conducts research reflecting the value of patients and explores a concrete action plan to become the nation’s most trusted organization. Ultimately, it explores a measure for the NECA to contribute to enhancing public health and the development of healthcare.

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