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Assessment of clinical safety and efficacy for weight loss supplements (garcinia cambogia extractt, irvingia gabonesis seed extract) in humans

PUBLISH DATE 2017.06.30
FILE [Executive Summary] Assessment of clinical safety and efficacy for weight loss supplements (garcinia cambogia extractt, irvingia gabonesis seed extract) in humans.pdf


We aimed to develop a framework for policy-making guidelines of weight loss supplements, by developing an informational booklet on the use of some more popular supplements. To this end, we analyzed the clinical safety and efficacy, as well as reports of adverse reactions to these products, and we received consultation from clinical specialists. The specific objectives of this study are as follows. 

First, to analyze the clinical safety and efficacy of Garcinia cambogia extract and Irvingia gabonensis seed extract.
Second, to analyze the adverse effects or reports of adverse reactions involving Garcinia cambogia extract and Irvingia gabonensis seed extract.
Third, to develop an informational booklet about Garcinia cambogia extract and Irvingia gabonensis seed extract.

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