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Impact assessment of knowledge dissemination activities: Developing user-friendly contents

PUBLISH DATE 2017.06.30
FILE [Executive Summary] Impact assessment of knowledge dissemination activities_Developing user-friendly contents.pdf


The knowledge transfer occurs in a two-step process: knowledge creation and dissemination. Health technology assessment (HTA) research products of the National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency (NECA) are converted into information that is utilized by customers. In order to provide information to its target users in an effective manner, the NECA has established a platform for knowledge dissemination, and is currently sharing information through publications, online and offline distribution, and educational projects.

Despite creation of various forms of HTA-related information and attempts at dissemination, NECA still has a long way to go in terms of providing content that the lay public can easily understand and utilize. Therefore, a thorough evaluation of the current state of knowledge dissemination efforts is needed along with the production of knowledge based on notable case studies that should be tailored to the lay public.

The objective of this study was to conduct an evaluation of knowledge dissemination activities in order to customize strategies for knowledge dissemination. Through such work, this study ultimately aims to improve efficient dissemination of HTA products to the lay public, publicize the agency’s values, and make better use of proposed policies on HTA results. 

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