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Comparing outcome of unrelated allogeneic transplantation according to donor’s nationality

PUBLISH DATE 2017.01.31
FILE [Executive Summary] Comparing outcome of unrelated allogeneic transplantation according to donor’s nationality.pdf


There are many occasions wherein stem cell transplantations are required for complete remission in patients diagnosed with blood disorders. When there is no domestic donor with a full match for a patient with a blood disorder, transplantation has been traditionally performed from an overseas donor. Recently, haploidentical stem cell transplantations have been actively performed. As the current trend shows that number of haploidentical stem cell transplantations is continuously increasing, it becomes necessary to create evidence of how actively transplantations need to be performed from overseas donors.

The objective of this study is to compare the clinical efficacy and economical result of allogeneic stem cell transplantations from domestic donors with those from overseas donors in each major blood disorder. Through this study, a domestic evidence on the clinical efficacy and economical result of allogeneic stem cell transplantations from domestic and overseas donors could be created.

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