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A Suggestion on the Assessment Process for Un-assessed Health Technologies

PUBLISH DATE 2016.05.31
FILE [Executive Summary] A Suggestion on the Assessment Process for Un-assessed Health Technologies.pdf


There are health technologies currently used in clinical fields without any regulation or assessment for their safety and effectiveness by proper regulation bodies. Most of them are so called ‘Un-listed procedures’, and it is hard to evaluate the effectiveness of those technologies since they are judged based on subjective individual standards but the safety assessment was never considered either. For example, The safety of Ocular whitening procedure was continuously issued by clinical experts and Ocular whitening procedure was prohibited by Ministry of Welfare and Health on 2010 based on the assessment report by new Health Technology Committee. Therefore, it is very important to establish assessment process for technologies which are not previously evaluated especially for the safety and evoke issues of the safety of technology itself. In this report, we will check the possible ways to establish assessment process for the technologies of safety issues.

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