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Developing an Administrative Scheme for NECA Round-table Conference

PUBLISH DATE 2014.04.21
FILE [Executive Summary] Developing an Administrative Scheme for NECA Round-table Conference.pdf


Recently political issues on the health and welfare problem for people's quality of life are increasing widely. Health care is unique and professional area related to individual privacy, and interwoven many social stakeholders with sensitive interests. Health care issues have variable perceptions among the social groups and conflicted with others. Consensus development conference is a relatively inexpensive and rapid mechanism for the consideration and evaluation of different attributes of a medical technology.


This is the reason needed objective and impartial mechanism for transparent decision making process. So consensus or round-table conference with evidence is worth of notice as the useful process and reasonable decision making for health policy. This study is to develop an administrative scheme for NECA (National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaboration Agency) round-table conference model appropriate group judgement method in Korean setting of national health care system. The term of 'round-table conference' rather than 'consensus development conference' is preferred here due to poor situation on the social debate culture in Korea.

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