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A study on current research status of psychiatric disorders, depression and suicide in Korea

PUBLISH DATE 2012.08.31
FILE [Executive Summary] A study on current research status of psychiatric disorders, depression and suicide in Korea.pdf


In modern society, the mental health comprises an important aspect of the overall healthy life of an individual. Despite the fact that the prevalence of mental illness in Korea show an increasing trend over time, the rate of individuals seeking psychiatric services is very low compared to other industrial nations. In addition, major depression have come to the center of focus, as the primary cause of teen suicide, and suggestions are being made in regards to the treatment of depressive patients with comorbidities. Thus, it is necessary to determine the treatment demands for depression in the perspectives of the general public, adolescents, and adult patients with comorbidities, and seek methods to enhance the treatment for depression. The study on psychiatric disorder research, depression and suicide generally cover the following three parts.

Part 1: A study on current status and unmet need for the treatment of psychiatric disorders in Korea

Part 2: Study on adolescent depression and suicide

Part 3: A study on current status and treatment promotion of comorbid depression among the patients with cancer or the patients with diabetes mellitus

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