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NECA Round Table Conference for social consensus

PUBLISH DATE 2015.03.31
FILE [Executive Summary] NECA Round Table Conference for social consensus.pdf


As rapid economic development improves quality of life for the general public, more attention have been paid in healthcare. Accordingly, the related issues have also dramatically increased, which has caused much social conflict. As healthcare issues require more special knowledgement and it might be strong conflict among interested parties, a social mediation mechanism based on social conversation and discussion such as the NECA Round Table Conference(RTC) is needed to objectively and impartially resolve such issues. 


The NECA RTC is a one of the consensus meeting for public discussion among panels of experts or citizens toward an ongoing effort to elicit consensus and to pursue consistent social discussions on core controversial issues in the healthcare field through stakeholders' perspective sharing and deliberation. 


It was first held in 2009 in order to "propose a social consensus for discontinuing meaningless life support." And total of 9 RTC have held until 2013. 

This research aims to perform successfully the four themes of RTC by applying 1) improved administrative process, 2) the transparent process for topics selection, 3) comprehensive participation from various sectors for objective and comprehensive discussion, 4) ensuring publicity for the results report, and 5) sufficient deliberative processes.  

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