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Provides the topic, method, and file download of Handbook for clinical practice guideline developer

Handbook for clinical practice guideline developer

PUBLISH DATE 2015.03.31
FILE [Executive Summary] Handbook for clinical practice guideline developer.pdf


The primary objective of the present study is to produce a handbook that is appropriate for developing clinical practice guidelines in Korea, and using it to aid the qualitative improvement of domestic clinical practice guidelines developed in the future. 

Detailed study objectives and important topics for the handbook’s development are as follows:

1) Categorize main tasks that are essential for the guideline development through a review of practice guideline development handbooks and manuals from Korea and abroad. 

2) Develop tools based on information derived from opinion survey of guideline developers.

3) Develop toolkits for developing practice guidelines. 

4) Develop a GRADE handbook.

5) Develop an integration process for de novo and adaptation methods. 

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